Bamboo Rat
- Pretty underground rodent
- Stripey/spotty pattern (cool)
- Holds food in hands (cute)
- Hangs out in trees (climby)
- Big cheeks
- Hampster Dance, Hamtaro, Hamsterball…
- A very familiar rodent :-)
Prehensile-tailed Porcupine
- Huge cartoon snoot
- Expert tree climber
- Makes crazy cute noises
- Seriously, check these guys out!
- Cool little hands
- Big long legs
- Cute wee ears
Prairie Dog
- Not technically a dog, good at barking though!
- Probably the kissiest rodent 🥰
- Well, hutia think this is!
- Most complex stomach of any rodent 🤩
- Fluffy icon
- Densest fur of any land-dwelling mammal
- Stay clean by bathing… in dust!?
- Appreciates the finer things
- Even their predators are adorable[1] 😳
Red and White Giant Flying Squirrel
- 400m glide distance
- 4000g body weight
- 40000% chance of stealing your man
Lesser Capybara
- Just a wee bit smaller than your standard capybara
- Used to be considered a subspecies
- Still a 5-star rodent
Red Squirrel
- National mammal of Demark
Naked Mole Rat
- No clothes 😳
- Probably beautiful on the inside?
- The longest living rodent (up to 32 years)
- Legs for days
- Ears for weeks
- Got a big zig-zag tail like a Pikachu
- Loves to hop around
- Glows under a blacklight
- Party icon
Horned Gopher
- Prehistoric rodent
- Smallest horned mammal on record
- Probably helped open bottles in Flintstones-time
- RIP, what a life lived
Mountain Beaver
- Not like the other beavers (actually more closely like squirrels)
- Really really cute
- Called “comb rats” for the little bristles on their back feet
- Can get into little gaps with their flexible ribs
Tufted Titmouse
- Might not be a real mouse… 😑
Deer Mouse
- Not to be confused with mouse deer
- Not to be confused with a mouse regarded with deep affection.
- Not to be confused with an expensive mouse.
Computer Mouse
- Tracks movements of the hand
- Very useful rodent
Kangaroo Mouse
- Jumping expert
- Walks on two feet
- ∴ would be great at mouse basketball
Mickey Mouse
- name a more iconic mouse?!
- Keyblade Master
- gets into a lot of crazy situations
- Basically a little spiny pig
- aka woodchuck
- knows the weather
- Very cute little dude
- Electricity is his job
- Pretty big for a mouse